Litleré Mat
Currently the only coffeeshop worth visiting at Nesttun.
Spotify: Walk on Water - Thirty Seconds To Mars
Cappuccino: 40 kr
3 sights: Bybanen passing by, black currant jam from Røyland Gård, flowers blooming outside
3 sounds: The angelic voice of Jared Leto, clinking of ceramic coffee cups, a -soon to be beheaded- kid kicking the table next to me.
3 smells: Vanilla ice-cream from Isrosa, cappuccino, my own perfume ('Dot' by Marc Jacobs)
3 feels: Peace, cold toes, slight annoyance building from continued table kicking…
Mornings and evenings Litleré is a quiet little place. Mid day however, it is the preferred watering hole of the local stroller-mafia, so if that's not you...you know what to do. Or not to do.
It’s morning now however and I am enjoying my coffee very much, nestled between quality local produce, watching the city pass by through the floor-to-ceiling windows. It’s the sort of place where you can come for both a chat and some peace-and-quiet. The staff likes to talk while you’re at the till, but by your table, hidden away under your headphones, you’re protected from the world.
When it opened early 2016 it got good track. Many had probably missed a proper quality coffee + food shop and couldn’t believe their luck someone wanted to grace them with their presence in little old Nesttun. A true gem and — in my opinion— one of the few places worth visiting around here. The coffee is expertly prepared by the shop's skilled staff members. The milk is smooth, the latteart is on point and the sandwiches with sourdough bread and cheeses and meats and jams and fresh cherry tomatoes and I don’t know what, are so good.
Grab a bag of beans from your new favourite roaster too: Lippe! Just watch the roast date. You want no more than one month old beans, that’s a good rule of thumb. But old Lippe is better then no Lippe… So that’s another good rule of thumb. And now I’m out of thumbs, so I guess that rounds off this review.
Final verdict: 4 — Well worth a visit, or should I say 4?…….(sorry.)